



Happiyo Health Ltd. reminds you that: Before you use the services of platform, be sure to prudently read and carefully understand this Statement. If you have any doubt about this Statement, you may consult the customer service personnel of platform. If you do not agree to this Statement or any contents of this Statement after you read it, you’d better stop registration immediately. If you use the services of platform in any way, you will be deemed to have accepted all contents of this Statement.



安佑康保健品网:指包括安佑康保健品网(域名为 )的网站及客户端。


安佑康保健品有限公司:安佑康保健品网经营者的单称或合称,包括安佑康保健品网经营者新西兰安佑康保健品有限公司。 platform: refers to and clients.


Happiyo Health Ltd.: refers to either or all operators of platform,  the operator of --New Zealand Happiyo Health Ltd. 


知识产权声明(Statement on Intellectual Property Rights)

一、知识产权归属(Ownership of Intellectual Property Rights)



安佑康保健品网的Logo、“安佑康保健品有限公司”、“Happiyo Health Ltd.”等文字、图形及其组合,以及安佑康保健品网的其他标识、徵记、产品和服务名称均为安佑康保健品有限公司及其关联公司在中国和其它国家的商标,未经安佑康保健品有限公司书面授权,任何人不得以任何方式展示、使用或作其他处理,也不得向他人表明您有权展示、使用或作其他处理。


Unless otherwise stated by Happiyo Health Ltd., all intellectual property rights (including but without limitation to copyright, trademark, patent and trade secret) and related rights in, of, and to all products, technology, software, programs, data and other information (including but without limitation to words, images, pictures, photos, audios, videos, charts, colors, layout and electronic file) within platform are vested in Happiyo Health Ltd. or its affiliated companies. Without the consent of Happiyo Health Ltd., no one is permitted to use (including but without limitation to copy, transmit, display, mirror, upload and download) the said information.


Logo, “Happiyo Health Ltd.”, and other words, graphics and combination of words and graphics as well as other logos, marks, product names and service names within platform are all trademarks of Happiyo Health Ltd. and its affiliated companies in China and other countries. Without written authorization of Happiyo Health Ltd., no one may display, use or otherwise dispose of any of the said trademarks in any way. Furthermore, even if any party is entitled to display, use or otherwise dispose of any of the said trademarks, the party may not disclose its right to any other person.


二、责任限制(Limitation on Liability)

安佑康保健品网产品说明(包括评论内容)出于传递更多信息之目的,并不意味安佑康保健品有限公司赞同其观点或已经证实其内容的真实性。 platform product description (including contents on forum) for the purpose of transferring more information, which does not mean that Happiyo Health Ltd. agrees with the viewpoints in the works or has confirmed the trueness of the contents of the works.


三、知识产权保护(Protection of Intellectual Property Rights)

安佑康保健品有限公司尊重知识产权,反对侵权盗版行为。知识产权权利人认为安佑康保健品网内容(包括但不限于安佑康保健品网会员发布的商品信息)可能涉嫌侵犯其合法权益,可以通过安佑康保健品平台( )提出书面通知,安佑康保健品有限公司收到后将及时处理。


Happiyo Health Ltd. respects intellectual property rights and opposes any act of infringement and pirating. If a holder of intellectual property rights thinks that any content on platform (including but without limitation to commodity information released by any member of platform) may infringe any of his/her legitimate rights and benefits, he/she may send a written notice through Happiyo Health Ltd.’s platform ( ). After receiving the notice, Happiyo Health Ltd. will deal with such issue in time.